Over time, you memorialize your experiences into standard operating procedures (SOP), policies, processes, and procedures. This list can help you get started.

Must-Haves for People Department

Basic Company Info: contacts, EIN, locations

Employee Guidelines - employee handbook inclusive of state-required policies, such as harassment and safety

Company’s Code of Conduct

Non-Compete and Non-Solicitation Policies (check with the state legislation)

Sick Leave SOP

Holiday Schedule

Expense Reimbursement

Decision-Making Hierarchy

Communication Tools and Guidelines

Payroll SOP and Payroll Schedule

Benefits Enrollment SOP

Benefits Documents

401(k) Enrollment SOP

401(k) Documents

Equity SOP (if applicable)

Equity Documents (if applicable)

Termination SOP

Termination Templates

Disciplinary SOP

Social Media Policy

Onboarding SOP

Employee Files SOP

Time Tracking SOP

Paid Time Off Policy

Paid Time Off SOP

Complaint Process

Budgeting Process

Headcount Planning Process

Recruitment Process

Workers Compensation

Insider Trading Policy (if applicable)


How to Write Standard Operating Procedure (SOP)